Saturday, December 13, 2008

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Here are some answers to some common questions that I hope will serve for the time being:

Right now we are just looking at doing barrels. Our first order to ER Shaw is going to go out this week, and we should see our first barrels between February and April.

We're looking into providing bolts.

18" barrels will have a mid-length gas port, while the 20" barrels will have either an intermediate or rifle length port. We're still working on that one.

We will provide gas tubes. One stop shopping for the barrel/tube.

We may start selling complete uppers. For now, we could provide a complete upper, but buyers would have to specify the components and ask for a quote. We won't keep anything in stock at the moment.

We have no mags right now, don't know if/when we will ever stock them. Our main goal is to provide barrels for as low a price as possible.

Remember to vote in the barrel length poll!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps I should have asked my "recommended gas piston conversion" question here. Don't mind an extra part or few in my AR, so long as it works like it's supposed to.
